Thursday 25 March 2010

Kidulthood - Why would Kidhulthood have found it difficult to get finance from a production company?

Why would Kidhulthood have found it difficult to get finance from a production company?

Firstly, the production company Stelth, that made Kidhulthood would have found it difficult to get finance because Kidulthood was their first film, and other production companies would not want to throw money at them incase their film did not make a profit and failed, because then they could have lost alot of money.
Another reason why Kidulthood would have found it hard to get financed is because of what the film is about, being a gritty social realism film about what life really is like on the streets of London could have been a bad thing to portray, as is it real life, and some people would have and maybe are still in the situations that these teenagers are in the film.
Lastly, another reason why production companys would not have wanted to give money towards to film is that the main charactors in Kiduthood are all un-known.

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