Thursday 29 April 2010

The Boat That Rocked - Pre-production Issues

Question 1 - Whose idea was the film?

When thinking about the processes that occur during the life of a film, it is easy to forget abut the original idea; in the case of The Boat That Rocked, the idea was an orginal one from Richard Curtis, whose influance was from the Radio Caroline story and the 60's pirate radio. Writing the script is only the first stage in getting a film on to the screen, and what Cirtis needed was finance in order to get his idea of The Boat That Rocked onto the big screen, in oder to do this he turned to Working TItle films, which is one of the leading British Production companies with whom he had alreqady workded with on past films such as "Love Actually" and "Notting Hill".

Question 2 - Genre Issues

There had been no isses with the genre of the film The Boat That Rocked, as it is simply a comedy, but on the other hand, it could be said that the only issues that would arise from a comedy film is that people would not agree with the type of humor that they are using, and as far as I am aware from the research that I have taken out there have been no problems or complaints about this.

Question 3 - The Idea

The idea for The Boat That Rocked has been said to be an "Original" idea, but what inspired Richard Curtis was the Pirate Radio sceen which was about in the 1960's and the story of Radio Caroline. And as well as this it aspires specifically to the condition of pop music circa 1966, and to the freedom of those pirate radio stations that would broadcast it to the masses. It wants to recapture the groove and the exhilaration of the 45rpm single, that moment the needle drops on the vinyl and great warm gusts of melody and beat howl out of the speakers.

Question 4 - The Financial Background

Question 5 - Casting

Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Count, "a big, brash, American god of the airwaves"
Bill Nighy as Quentin, the radio station's boss and captain
Rhys Ifans as Gavin, Star DJ
Nick Frost as Dr. Dave, DJ "Big... and very beautiful."
Katherine Parkinson as Felicity, the lesbian cook
Tom Sturridge as Young Carl, Quentin's godson
Talulah Riley as Marianne, Quentin's niece
Tom Brooke as 'Thick' Kevin, Carl's cabin-mate
Chris O'Dowd as Breakfast DJ Simple Simon Swafford
Rhys Darby as Angus "The Nut" Nutsford, DJ
Will Adamsdale as newsreader John
Tom Wisdom as 'Midnight' Mark, DJ,
Ralph Brown as Bob 'the Dawn Treader', DJ, Carl's father
Ike Hamilton as Harold, radio assistant
Kenneth Branagh as Minister Allistair Dormandy (a loose parody of then-Postmaster General Tony Benn), who aims to shut the station down)
Jack Davenport as Dominic Twatt, a civil servant (his full name is only ever referenced in a deleted scene)
Emma Thompson as Charlotte, Carl's mother
January Jones as Elenore
Gemma Arterton as Desiree
Sinead Matthews as Miss C
Stephen Moore as the Prime Minister (Harold Wilson was Prime Minister in 1966)
Olegar Fedoro as the Rock Boat's helmsman


Pillip Seymour Hoffam, who plays The Count, first role was as a defendant in a 1991 episode of the television series Law & Order. He made his film breakthrough in 1992 when he appeared in four feature films, with the most successful film being Scent of a Woman, in which he played a rather unscrupulous classmate of Chris O'Donnell's character. He had been stocking shelves at a city grocery store at the time before landing the role and credits the film to kickstarting his career.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Kidulthood - Why would Kidhulthood have found it difficult to get finance from a production company?

Why would Kidhulthood have found it difficult to get finance from a production company?

Firstly, the production company Stelth, that made Kidhulthood would have found it difficult to get finance because Kidulthood was their first film, and other production companies would not want to throw money at them incase their film did not make a profit and failed, because then they could have lost alot of money.
Another reason why Kidulthood would have found it hard to get financed is because of what the film is about, being a gritty social realism film about what life really is like on the streets of London could have been a bad thing to portray, as is it real life, and some people would have and maybe are still in the situations that these teenagers are in the film.
Lastly, another reason why production companys would not have wanted to give money towards to film is that the main charactors in Kiduthood are all un-known.

Tuesday 23 March 2010

The Website

There is a website where you can see all about the new Toy Story Film which is; :)

Monday 22 March 2010

Movie Poster

Teaser ;)

Toy Story 3 Traller Teaser...

Interviews :)

Toy Story Three Interview.
Tim Allen Talks About Keeping Buzz Lightyear Alive:)


The first Toy Story was completed on a $30 million budget using a staff of 110. In comparison The Lion King, released in 1994, required a budget of $45 million and a staff of 800. Wow :)

Toy Story 3

The film I have chosen to write about is Toy Story 3.
The Plot for Toy Story 3 is;
Andy is heading off to college, and his toys, including Woody and Buzz, are worried about their uncertain future. Andy decides to keep Woody, and attempts to put all of the other toys in the attic. After some twists and turns, the toys are accidentally donated to Sunnyside Daycare Center. They befriend the toys there, such as Lots-O'-Huggin' "Lotso" Bear and a smooth-talking Ken doll. The toys are keen on starting a new life at the daycare. It isn't long before they discover that Andy is actively searching for them, so they decide to escape -- but to make things complicated, the toys soon discover that some of their new friends aren't as friendly as they thought. To further complicate matters, Buzz is damaged during an escape attempt. The toys try to reset Buzz, only to make him revert to a delusional Spanish language version of his old self, much to the other toys' discomfort and Jessie's amazement. The toys try to get Woody home in time before Andy leaves.

The FIRST caste Photo

Short Essay Questions

•The importance of convergence to the film industry.
Converngence is two media industries that are working together to make and promote a film or another media product. for example, a film industry converging with a game industry to produce a game which is similar to the film. This is important to film industry because both companys will promote each other and gain a wider audiance.
Convergence is important within the film industry because; it is a financial income, by the film company joing with gameing companies and toy companies, this will bring in more money as they will get a share of the profit made. As well as this some people may see the products that have been brought out, such as a game that contains real footage or clips of the film in the advert and then people will want to see the film after seeing an advert for the game which is based on the film - therefore bringing more money to the film company.

•How might convergence affect the production, distribution, marketing and exhibition.

•How might convergence affect the way audiences ‘consume’ films?
Convergence can affect the audiences consume films because films can be brought on either bluray or DVD, and depending on which one the audience buys the film on, will depend on how they "consume" it, for example, a DVD can not be watched on high-defenition, where as a Bluray would be a better quality of vewing, and if an audience watchs the film on a Bluray, or on Sky Movies HD, my personal oppinion is that they will enjoy the film alot more, because of the quality of the film that they are watching is alot higher then it would just to watch it on normal telly or on a DVD.