Monday 14 September 2009

Media Manifesto

ª How would you sum up yourself as a student up to this point?
Umm, well, as a student I can be quite strong minded, and I love challenging work, I also - as embarrassing as it can be to admit at times - I enjoy learning! I will always give my all to my work, and will take critisism, even the harshest - but please try not to be too mean - as I want to learn how to do better and how to make my work the best it can be. I am a team player, I work well in teams, and I also work well solo, sometimes better solo as I do like to be the boss, not always a good point but hay ho..
ª What were your GCSE results and how did you feel about them?
I achieved 11 GCSE's; Two B's in English, a B in Maths, an AB in ALAN, a C in Spanish, a BC in Business Studies, two C's in Science and a Distinction in RE. At first i was not best pleased at my results, as I was sure, and I knew that I could have done better then I did, if I had just applied myself more in my last year of school and if I had revised a lot more then I had done I knew that I could have, and most probably, would have done alot better then I did, truth be told I was quite devistaded. Everyone was so proud of how well I had done, this is because my last year of school was one of my worst, I was always ill and never wanted to go to school and I didn't aply myself as well as I could have done, But now I've learned by my mistake and I know now not to do that again and not to slip up. Now after overlooking my last year of school, I'm very proud of my GCSE results.
ª Why did you choose to take Media Studies?
I chose Media Studies for Alevel firstly because I orriginally wanted to take it for GCSE but i couldn't becuase of the other opptions i chose, two of these were double's, so now I thought I'd take the oppertunity and take Media Studies as a Alevel.
ª What targets/challenges are you setting yourself as you begin your sixth form career?
To be honest, I have not yet set myself any targets just yet, but if I had to think of one right now I'd have to say that I'd make sure I like and enjoy all the subjects that I have chosen, so that I can make the most out of them and learn something that I find interesting.
ª What are you ultimate career aspirations?
My ultimate career aspirations, hmm, I'd have to say that, as anyones would probably be, would be to earn lots of money:) but this would be by working in a large successful company, maybe even being a partment in a huge organization, but I want to know, and to have the satisfaction that I earn all of my money by doing a good job, and knowing that I achieved the position I am by working hard, not just by "having conections" or because the owner of that business has the "hotts" for me. ;)
ª How will the media studies AS course help you to achieve your ultimate goals?
I hope this would help me because I would like to continue on to university one day and studing a course which has a connection with Media studies, or a Media studies course.
ª What obstacles might there be for you in achieving well on the course and how will you overcome them?
I think that my biggest obstacle to over come would be sticking to one thing, at times I am, and I can be, very fickal. So sticking to one thing, and also paying attention constantly may be my biggest obstacles to overcome.
ª What do you think you will bring to the class that will enhance it?
Umm, this is a hard one, I'm not to sure about this.. When having group discustions, I can be very oppinionated, although I will listen to everyone elses oppinions I will stick to my own, I love expressing myself, and having long and large discussions about anything, I think that would be a good quality to bring, exept for the fact that I can go on forever!
ª Sum up your philosophy on the media AS course in one sentence.
.... =)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent level of detail here, you give a real insight into yourself. I look forward to having you in the class :-)
